Effects of HVAC failure during COVID shutdown

During the COVID-19 lockdown, Nevelson Chapel experienced an HVAC failure that led to a massive humidity spike. Visually, paint is now lifting on some of the sculptural elements. What is not yet known is the extent of the chemical and other physical alterations this event has brought to the sculpture. Martha Singer and Jean Dommermuth, conservators for Nevelson Chapel, are working with the Arts Committee of the Nevelson Legacy Council to analyze and plot a way forward. 

Events like this are not uncommon in this unprecedented time. While the situation is considered a “one of a kind” event, additional monitoring has been put into place. Daily reports from the HVAC monitoring system reach Ms. Singer’s computer, and are synthesized into weekly patterns for analysis. A series of alarms are now in place to alert in the event of an HVAC failure.